
PHP Lijiang tourism service website system


In the information age in the 21st century, almost any industry can not do without computers. It is also very common to apply computers to tourism service management. In the past, the manual management method was used to manage tourism services, resulting in problems such as cumbersome management and difficult maintenance. Now, using computers to manage the basic information of tourism services is not only convenient and simple compared with manual management, but also has many advantages, such as easy management, fast search speed, large storage capacity and so on. Using it in tourism service management can not only improve the work efficiency of administrators in tourism service management, but also make tourism service management more scientific and standardized. Under the continuous impact of the information age, the combination of tourism service management and computer technology will be a shortcut to improve the level of tourism service management.

After my comprehensive consideration, the design of Lijiang tourism service website system is based on PHP technology, MySQL database and Apache server. With zendstudio and Dreamweaver as development tools, it is debugged and allowed in zendstudio integrated environment, and uses Photoshop technology to beautify web pages, supplemented by CSS technology.

The system realizes the computerized management of various work processes within the tourism service management, including the administrator's home page Site management (rotation map, bulletin board) user management (administrator, ordinary user) content management (forum list, forum classification list, news list, news classification list) more management (tour guide reservation, tour guide information, purchase order, specialty mall, accommodation information, scenic spot information) and other functions.

Key words: PHP technology; Mysql database; Apache server






