网址之家hao123主页_茂名建站公司模板_四川建设网有限责任公司是国企吗_如何建网站吗? [8]王东亮.移动互联网时代新闻网站(WEB)功能与价值的再发现——以北京日报网为例[J].新闻采编,2022(04):13-15.






The 21stCentury is the times which information is highly developed and circulated, people can get more knowledge than before with the popularization of computers and the widespread application of computer network. Facing to the “information detonation” phenomena, how does the education catch up with the step of time not being dropped behind? Many experts think about this question: “How can we move the education resource onto the network and enable more people to share these resources”. As an institution whose main duty is spreading knowledge, it’s very necessary to build a high-quality curriculum website for each school, it is not only enable more people to share the valuable education information but also provide a great help to promote the school’s reputation and the students’ self-study ability.



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