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Design and implementation of pet medical service website


With the rapid development of information today, the network has become an important information exchange platform for people. Pet service companies every day have a lot of information needs to be released through the network, for this, I developed a B/S (browser/server) model based on the pet service platform.

The system takes JSP, JAVA programming language, MYSQL and Springboot framework as the development technology, and realizes adding, modifying, viewing and deleting system data. This system adopts componentization to split the system, and analyzes and designs the addition, deletion, checking and modification of each table in the database, and the constraint relationship between tables, and finally realizes the commercial application that meets the user's requirements.

The system interface is simple and generous, the layout is reasonable, easy to operate and start. The system can respond to each step of the user's operation with high response. The system specifically includes user management, pet information management, commodity management, pet doctor management, service order management, pet vaccine management, vaccination, pet medical records, pet care information management and other functions. It provides a service platform for pet medical treatment and realizes the efficient and safe management of data.

Key words:Pet medical services, Springboot framework, MySQLdatabase



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