
摘  要







With the maturity of computer technology and the establishment of the Internet, there are many applications about community elderly care services on the PC platform. However, due to the limitations of the use time and place, users have various inconveniences in the use of the system, and the development of a community intelligent elderly care system based on wechat mini program can effectively solve this problem.

This community intelligent pension system based on wechat mini program adopts Java technology and MYSQL database to develop, and uses wechat developer tools to design wechat terminal. With wechat as the entrance, it has the characteristics of fast and lightweight, does not take up memory, does not need to download and install, and has a fast access speed. The system interface is good, the operation is simple and convenient, through the system overview, system analysis, system design, database design, system testing, the development process of the system is explained in detail, and finally the whole development process is summarized, to realize the user through the wechat platform for community elderly care service query management important functions.

The community intelligent pension system based on wechat mini program has the advantages of simple interface, easy to understand operation, convenient management, complete functions, etc., and has high application value.

Keywords: Wechat mini program; Java Technology; Community smart pension system; MYSQL database


目  录

1 绪 论... 1

1.1课题背景... 1

1.2研究意义... 1

1.3论文组织结构... 2

2系统关键技术... 3

2.1微信小程序... 3

2.2微信小程序的特点... 3

2.3 JAVA语言... 3

2.4 MYSQL数据库... 4

2.5 微信开发者工具... 4

3系统分析... 5

3.1可行性分析... 5

3.1.1 技术可行性... 5

3.1.2经济可行性... 5

3.1.3操作可行性... 5

3.2系统性能分析... 6

3.3  系统功能分析... 6

3.4系统流程分析... 9

3.4.1注册流程... 9

3.4.2登录流程... 10

3.4.3添加信息流程... 11

4系统设计... 12

4.1系统结构设计... 12

4.2系统顺序图设计... 12

4.2.1 登录顺序图... 12

4.2.2 注册顺序图... 13

4.3数据库设计... 13

4.3.1数据库概念结构设计... 13

4.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计... 16

5 系统的实现... 19

5.1微信端功能模块的实现... 19

5.1.1微信端登录界面... 19

5.1.2首页界面... 19

5.1.3老年人端界面... 20

5.1.4专家界面... 21

5.1.5服务项目界面... 22

5.1.6健康资讯界面... 23

5.2服务端功能模块的实现... 24

5.2.1服务端登录界面... 24

5.2.2老年人端管理界面... 25

5.2.3子女端管理界面... 25

5.2.4专家管理界面... 26

5.2.5服务项目管理界面... 26

5.2.6服务预约管理界面... 27

5.2.7健康检测管理界面... 27

5.2.8专家咨询管理界面... 28

6系统测试... 29

6.1测试任务... 29

6.2功能测试... 29

6.2.1 注册测试... 29

6.2.2 登录测试... 30

6.2.3 用户管理测试... 30

6.2.4 修改密码测试... 30

6.3测试方法... 31

6.4测试结论... 31

结 论... 32

参考文献... 33

谢 辞... 34






图1.2所示。这三台服务器对硬件资源的要求各不相同,应用服务器需要处理大量的业务 逻辑,因此需要更快更强大的CPU;数据库服务器需要快速磁盘检索和数据缓存,因此 需要更快的硬盘和更大的内存;文件服务器需要存储大量用户上传的文件,因此需要更 大的硬盘。

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